Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter evening

After Church Joseph, and i and the kids drove up to my Uncle Bobs house for Easter dinner and the Easter egg hunt. This is something that we have been doing since I was about 5 or 6 years old. They have a hunt in the front yard for all the little kids and in the backyard for all the older kids. There is no age limit but the rule is once you are married you are out of the hunt. I remember when I was in the front yard hunt with my cousins and yesterday I watched all of our kids hunt the eggs. Its nice the have a tradition like that. Bridget and Ethan were too young but next year they can get some eggs, ans i cant wait to share that with them. It is also a great time to see family that we don't get to see very often.

Easter Sunday!

Sunday was a great day, crazy but great. Bridget and Ethan got all dressed up and ready for their first Easter! Church was especially nice because I got the take place in some great musical numbers for sacrament. I was able to sing a duet with my friend Angel and sing in two choir numbers. Singing and music always help me to get in the spirit and help me to focus on the true meaning of Easter and that is to celebrate and remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for each and every one of us. With the addition to my family in the past months I have really been grateful for all that I have and for the wonderful Eternal family that i am blessed to be a part of. So Sunday was a great day. We were able to go to Church and also to take part in the fun side of Easter as well. The best of both parts of Easter! Amist the craziness of Easter Sunday I was able to snap some really great pics before church.

This is the first picture that i can really see there similarities

Last weekend was the first of our Easter activities. We got up nice and early, got dressed up in our Easter outfits and went to the ward Easter party. It was a great breakfast and Easter egg hunt. I was happy to see how well attended it was. I was really happy to be able to bring the kids and share this time with the great people in the ward, it was a great way to kick off the Easter season.

Bridget and Ethan are getting bigger everyday! I cant believe how well they are doing. It is just so fun to see them learn and explore new things. Ethan has started to get a little fussy when he is not being played with all the time and it has been very hard for me to get anything done. the bouncy seat and the swing have not kept his attention as much anymore. So my mom got this great present for the babies. Its a jump0a-roo! It is the best toy ever! They are so excited to be in it and make all the music and animal sounds go by jumping and wiggling there whole body. It has really been a lifesaver. Its funny because they are both a little short for it so Ethan has to stand on Ziploc boxes and Bridget has to stand on a pot in order to bounce because they don't reach the floor yet. But that doesn't seem to slow them down in the least.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Over Presidents Day weekend my mom had a spot at Carpenteria beach for a few days. We were so excited to bring the babies up. We didn't stay the night but we came up during the days. It was the first time that Joseph and I had really gone anywhere with the babies. It was such a beautiful weekend and we had a ton of fun! Bridget and Ethan loved being outside and loved ridding around seeing everything in the stroller.

Valentines Day

We had a great velentines day. The day started with a beautiful flower delivery at 7:30 am. A beautiful pink vase with all differnt color pink flowers. They were such a wonderful surprise. I spent the day making some wonderful sugar cookies for Joseph and when he got home from work he had some good cookies with his favorite conversation hearts. It was great day!

Its 2am! Daddy play with me!

Bridget somehow coned her dad into playing with her at 2am. All she has to so is flash a smile and he is hooked. She was extra smiley one night and Joseph could not resist her any more. Dads and their little girls!