Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Time Goes By

I was reading my friend Shannon' s blog and she tagged everyone on this topic so here it goes:

20 years ago (1988) - 20 years ago I was 8 years old. We were living in Canoga Park and we moved to Sunland later that year. I was just finishing the third grade at Sunny Brea elementary and started fourth and Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies (SOCES). I was also baptized on Feb 6, 2008. My sister was only four years old!

15 years ago(1993) - 15 years ago I was 13 and finishing the 8th grade at Ribet academy and getting ready for high school. Brian was born in January of that year! I also got my braces off and was the lead in the school play "Alice in Wonderland". That summer I went to Hawaii with my girl scout troop.

10 years ago (1998) - 10 years ago I was 18 and had just finished my freshman year at BYU! It was the best year that I had there. I lived in Helaman Halls and my roommates name was Jennifer. This time that year we went on a road trip back to California for a friends missionary farewell and I said goodbye to many friend leaving on missions.

5 years ago (2003) - 5 years ago I was 23 graduated from college and working as an assistant hair stylist as Echo Salon in Pasadena. It was a great job, latter that year i went off on my own and became a stylist at Mirage in Santa Clarita. On Labor day Joseph and I had out first date, we went to the beach and had an amazing time. I finished the year off getting engaged and visiting Josephs family in South Carolina.

1 year ago (2007) - A year ago I was newly pregnant! My sister had just gotten married and all was well! On Sept 26, 2007 Bridget and Ethan were born!

Monday, May 19, 2008


We survived the hot weekend by taking the babies swimming for the first time! It was so much fun. I have always loved the water and so has Joseph so it was a dream to have the babies enjoy themselves as much as they did. They stayed in until the were too cold and had to get out. Ethan was so relaxed and kicked and splashed the whole time. It took Bridget a minute but she was soon doing the same.

Sitting up

It was only for a few minutes but my little boy is on his way to sitting up on his own!

4th Anniversary

May 1st Joseph and I celebrated our fourth anniversary of you wedding. I am so happy to be married to a man as wonderful as Joseph. He is the husband and father that I dreamed of. I was surprised that day with beautiful flower from him. A few days latter we spent sometime alone and had a time going to dinner and a movie. Its nice to have some time for just s to spend together. It was been a special time in our lives and I marvel at all we have done and accomplished together in the four years that we have been a family. I love him so much and know that my Love will continue to grow as we spend many more years together.

Mothers Day

Mothers Day! This was my first mothers day and its was wonderful. Joseph made me french toast for breakfast took care of the babies while i had time to get ready for church. At church the men made food for the women and gave us all a rose and chocolate! Later we went to dinner at my parents and had a special Mothers Day dinner to celebrate my mother who is so amazing to me. Also earlier in the week Bridget and Ethan's child development therapist, Jade, made the beautiful hearts with each of their footprints for mothers day presents for me. My first homemade gift from the kids. I could not be happier and more blessed to be a mother. I hard journey and trial we made worth it the first moment that I held my children. I have never been happier and never been more fulfilled. My heart is so full. I have always been a happy and had a fulfilling life. When I met Joseph my heart grew even more and overflowed with love for him and the birth of my kids as grown it even more. My life has struggles that are day to day but over all it could m=not be more perfect.

7 months!

April 26, 2007 Bridget and Ethan turned 7months old. I can't believe that time is flying by. Ethan is 15 1/2 lbs and Bridget is 12 1/2 lbs. They are getting so big. Bridget has started to roll from her back to her tummy and is rolling all over the house. Ethan is always jumping in his jumpy happy as can be. I am so grateful for how well the are doing and how blessed we are as a family.